Ferns for specific sites
Most ferns are however very tolerant of different conditions and environments. However a few ferns do need certain soil, moisture or light requirements.
Below you will find ferns that will do well in specific areas, including 'problem' areas. The list is currently being updated and will be added to over the next few days.
Below you will find ferns that will do well in specific areas, including 'problem' areas. The list is currently being updated and will be added to over the next few days.
Ferns for living walls
These features are becoming very popular as vertical spaces are utilised for planting. The following ferns should grow well but will need frequent watering until established ...moreFerns for sunny spots
Another popular misconception about ferns is that the must be grown in shade. Many actually prefer a dose of sunlight during the morning and evening. The following will also tolerate full sun if grown in a moist soil. For most, the frond colour will be much lighter than those grown in shade. ...moreFerns for boggy areas.
It is a popular misconception that all ferns need wet places to grow. The reality is that most ferns dislike waterlogged conditions. There are a good few exceptions of course! ...moreFerns that grow well in alkaline soils
Most ferns will grow in reasonable alkaline soils with no problem. An annual top-dress of leaf-mould works wonders. the following will grow in shallower chalky soils but due to the nature of these soils extra watering may be required. An organic mulch will also help. ...moreEasy to grow ferns.
Most are ferns are very easy to grow with little attention needed. The following are exceptionally easy and should grow in most soil types. ...moreFerns for indoors and conservatories
A selection of ferns very suitable for indoor conservatories or greenhouses. The list doesn't just contain sub- tropical or warm-temperate plants as many hardy ferns cope well with the drier and warmer air. ...more
Dwarf/small ferns (typically under 30cm)
Asplenium trichomanesDryopteris affinis 'Crispa Gracilis'
Gymnocarpium dryopteris 'Plumosum'
Polypodium vulgare
Polypodium vulgare 'Bifido-multifidum'
Polypodium scouleri
Polystichum setiferum 'Congesta'
Ferns for acid soils
Many of the following will grow in most soils. Those marked * will not grow well in alkaline soils. ...moreCypripedium Macranthos: The Delicate Beauty of the Big-Flowered Lady's Slipper Orchid
Among the fascinating world of orchids, Cypripedium macranthos stands out with its enchanting beauty and distinctive blooms. Commonly known as the Big-Flowered Lady's Slipper, this orchid species captivates enthusiasts with its intricate flowers and delicate charm. In this article, we will uncover the secrets to successfully caring for Cypripedium macranthos, including its preferred growing conditions, soil requirements, watering needs, and essential maintenance tips. Prepare to embark on a journey to nurture the alluring elegance of this remarkable orchid! ...more