You will be very pleased to know that you won't have to do too much! If planting in dry shade the watering policy is to drench and leave as long as possible. Give them a good soak when planting, mulch with iorganic matter (don't cover the crown) to help conserve soil moisture, and leave. Only water if the fronds start to droop, then give another good soak. Watering little and often is the wrong way to do it as this encourages roots to stay at the surface rather than searching for water nearer the water table deep down. Remember, you are watering the soil, not the plants.
For ferns in other spots this is not as important, they do appreciate moisture and will grow fuller as a result. Soils in shade tend to stay moist throughout the year, this can be improved by an annual mulch of leaf mould, garden compot, bark mulch or bagged compost (though if using as a mulch try not to use peat based for this purpose as peat free is a much better alternative).