What pruning?! Seriously though ferns really need very little care. Deciduous fronds break dwon very quickly after they die down. Most evergreen ferns also drop and form a nataural mulch, howver some species may be better with old fronds removed. Do this just before new fronds emerge, especially on Polystichum setiferm and varieties. Ocasionally new fronds can get caught in these older ones. Occasionally old fronds give surprises, for instance I have a clump of Polystichum munitum which in a dry, well drained spot has old fronds coloured like burnished copper!
...and that is pretty much it! Ferns are very easy to look after so sit back and enjoy your ferns. In poorer soils they will spend the first year putting their energies into the roots so don't be worried if not too much is happening up top, it's down below the soil where the action happens. Once established they grow quickly putting on better and better shows with each passing year. they are alos long-lived plants so will give many, many years of ever increasing pleasure.