Ok, don't get me started on the botanical name for this, there is so much confusion, arising from the fact this Ivy is native to North Africa as well as the Canaries so it is sometimes sold as H. canariensis 'Variagata' amongst others. A rose smells as sweet with whatever name is applied so lets concentrate on its attributes.
It's tough, it's reliable and the variagation with the gray green is pure delight and brightens up any shaded spoyt with ease. It's evergreen and with the flowers and berries a valuable plant for wildlife, offering both food and shelter. It's a climber with self clinging juvenile shoots and is also great ground cover. For the creative minds out there it can be used with supports to make fascinating garden sculptures as well as covering up unsightly walls. Ideallly it needs fertile well drained soil.
To purchase go to https://shadyplants.ie/category/hedera
Photo by David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons