Arachniodes miqueliana- Miquel's Bristle Fern
Arachniodes miqueliana- Miquel's Bristle Fern

A very rare, very attractive and seldomly available fern. Deciduous and very hardy (USDA zone 5), from the fern rich area of Japan, Korea and China. This will grow to a height of up to 90cm, it spreads by creeping rhizomes and is ideal for areas with moist humus rich soil in partial shade. It is an easy fern to grow. The fronds aren't as dark as others in this genus, they are a lighter green and illuminate shady areas wonderfully.

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Arachniodes miqueliana 9cm4.95
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Arachniodes miqueliana- Miquel's Bristle Fern

A very rare, very attractive and seldomly available fern. Deciduous and very hardy (USDA zone 5), from the fern rich area of Japan, Korea and China. This will grow to a height of up to 90cm, it spreads by creeping rhizomes and is ideal for areas with moist humus rich soil in partial shade. It is an easy fern to grow. The fronds aren't as dark as others in this genus, they are a lighter green and illuminate shady areas wonderfully.

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Arachniodes miqueliana 9cm4.95
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