Aglaomorpha coronans
Aglaomorpha coronans

A very large fern from tropical east Asia, has large ornate fronds, up to 2m long. Young plant still have rounded sterile fronds, the more typically fern fronds appear as the fern matures. Superb house plant, give it a porous potting mix and allow to get just dry before watering. A robust plant and quite easy to grow in a bright spot out of direct sun.
Amazing in interior green walls as well as pots or hanging baskets.

Aglaomorpha coronans

A very large fern from tropical east Asia, has large ornate fronds, up to 2m long. Young plant still have rounded sterile fronds, the more typically fern fronds appear as the fern matures. Superb house plant, give it a porous potting mix and allow to get just dry before watering. A robust plant and quite easy to grow in a bright spot out of direct sun.
Amazing in interior green walls as well as pots or hanging baskets.